TRIAD began as a national initiative sponsored by the American Association of Retired Persons, the International Association of Chiefs of Police and the National Sheriff’s Association. TRIAD's have been developed in communities
throughout Illinois and the nation to promote crime prevention for older citizens Illinois TRIAD was one of the first organizations in the nation to guide a statewide response to the critical issue of crime against seniors.

Local TRIADs, found throughout Illinois, consists of law enforcement officials such as county sheriffs and municipal chiefs of police, as well as senior community advocates and other community activists. Each TRIAD also consists of an
advisory council, which helps to determine the needs and concerns of older citizens and suggest further initiatives. TRIAD activities help implement crime prevention, education and volunteer programs for older citizens. One of TRIAD’s most notable outgrowths is the Elderly Service Officers program.

Illinois State TRIAD Association Bylaws and Membership Application