Investigations Division
Nathan Moravec Lieutenant Nathan Moravec
(630) 208-2036 Office
Investigations – The primary function of the Investigations Division is to investigate all detailed crimes and major cases such as Homicide, Rape, Robbery, Burglary, and Narcotic activity. This division is responsible for investigating and working closely with the State's Attorney's Office to ensure prosecution of serious offenses that present a threat to the most vulnerable citizens in our community. Some of these heinous crimes include, but are not limited to: child abuse; domestic/dating violence; elder/disabled abuse; sex crimes; animal abuse; missing persons, etc.
The Investigations Division has trained field investigators in the areas of crime scene investigation, interview and interrogation, crime scene photography, narcotics investigation, evidence handling/seizure, and child sexual abuse investigation.
During large scale criminal investigations, the Investigations Division, maintains a close working relationship with local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies in order to reach timely resolutions to complex crimes. The Investigations Division is a member of the Kane County
Major Crimes Task Force and Kane County
Arson Task Force, as well as provides support to other local agencies when needed.
Ashleigh Cyzen
Administrative Assistant
630-208-2027 Office
The Investigations Division provides administrative support and acts as a clearinghouse for the investigative reports generated by this division. To check and/or confirm the status of a pending investigation, contact the listed support specialist. In addition, the Investigations Division maintains a database of sexual predators/offenders residing in Kane County through the Offender Watch program.

Jacquelyn Larkin
Evidence Custodian
630-208-2038 Office
Evidence Division – The Investigations Division is also responsible for the personal property and physical evidence at the Kane County Sheriff's Office. The Evidence Division is responsible for the storage, record keeping, and disposition of all property and evidence submitted by the Kane County Sheriff's Office. Evidence Specialists are responsible for the preservation, destruction, and release of all items placed in their care. Their primary function is to receive evidence through proper intake, control, storage, maintaining the "chain-of-custody" through documentation and record keeping, as well as the return or disposal of property.
Returning Property – The Evidence Specialists are responsible for returning property according to Illinois State Statute. The Evidence Division may not have the authority to release property taken as evidence and may require authorization from the Investigating Officers and/or Prosecuting Attorneys.
Property Release Regulations – Evidence and property that is no longer needed for court proceedings may be released to the owner, if known. The Evidence Specialist will send a notification letter to the owner's last known address – stating that the property can be retrieved from the Kane County Sheriff's Office. The following regulations are adhered to during the property release procedure:
- Property is released by a scheduled appointment and is not released to the owner without proper photo identification (driver's license, state ID card, or passport). You may also be requested to supply proof of ownership; and,
- Evidence and/or property that was used in the commission of a crime, such as a controlled substance, related instruments, or contraband that is unlawfully used or possessed, shall be destroyed.