The Kane County Sheriff's Office greatly benefits from the time and expertise of our volunteer corps that services the Detainees in custody at the Kane County Adult Justice Center. Volunteers not only take pride in their community, providing educational opportunities for Detainees, but they also advance the goals of the Kane County Adult Justice Center.
Volunteers are often engaged directly in facilitating the educational programs and/or resource preparation for Detainee course work. Classes and/or services offered may include, but are not limited to:
- Religious Services;
- Bible Study;
- Religious Services;
- Chaplaincy;
- Substance Abuse and Awareness;
- Anonymous Groups; such as (Alcoholics Anonymous) AA and (Cocaine Anonymous) CA;
- Parenting Classes;
- Educational Services;
- Library Services;
- Behavior Awareness Classes;
- Anger Awareness; and,
- Abuse Awareness.
Volunteer Testimonials
"The success of AA is dependent on its members carrying out the message of recovery. We do this by sharing our experience, strength, and hope. The biggest reward is seeing a sense of hope in those who are incarcerated and the realization that their addiction to alcohol can lose its grip on their life."
"When I began volunteering at the Kane County Jail many years ago, I immediately discovered that I wasn't much different than most of these guys. While the things I do that make trouble in my life tend to be private, theirs tend to be public. So they go to jail while I come visit. Other that our life circumstances, we all struggle with the same things, and need the same encouragement to face another day."
"He works very hard to pick just the right books to send to his children. She sings softly as she reads a storybook to her toddler. We imagine the joy in the children's faces as they open precious packages from their mommies or daddies of new books and special recordings. What a privilege to be part of this bonding through jail walls!"