Professional Visitors
The Kane County Sheriff's Office (KCSO) recognizes the importance of Detainees being able to receive visits with agency representatives in order for services to be provided. In order to allow these visits to take place, the Kane County Sheriff's Office has rules and procedures in place to make the process safe and effective for all parties involved.
General Rules
Professional visitors are not allowed to visit with family / friends who are in custody.
All visits will be done through the use of the facilities video visitation system. No contact or face to face visits are allowed.
All visits will be 30 minutes in length. Additional time may be granted if necessary and available for law enforcement, attorney and certain other visit types. Please contact the visiting department, using the contact information below, for more information on how to receive additional time.
Law Enforcement
Please contact the facility directly for visiting rules and regulations or to set up an appointment. The contact number is (630) 208-2062. When calling please identify yourself as law enforcement so that we can direct the call correctly.
Attorney and/or Law Enforcement Visits
Effective 03-28-20 all professional visits will be done through the use of the facilities video visitation system.
Professional visitors will have two options to visit with detainees using the system.
- Remote visits – this option will allow professionals to visit with detainees from their home or office through the use of an internet connected device such as a computer, tablet or smartphone. There is a fee charged by the vendor for this service.
- Onsite visits – this option will allow professionals to utilize an onsite visiting kiosk to visit with detainees. The hours of availability are limited to business hours. There is no fee for this service.
All professionals wishing to see a detainee, either remotely or on site, must fill out and return the “KCSO Attorney Remote Visitation Registration Form" along with a copy of their Driver's License and their current ARDC/BAR card.
Kane County Sheriff's Office Attorney Remote Visitation Registration Form
Once the required documentation has been received and the professional has been registered in the system, the registering professional will receive an email containing step-by-step directions on how to schedule remote or on site visits. This email will also include instructions on how the professionals can test their devices for and connect to remote visits.
Attorneys are allowed to utilize interpreters, investigators and/or other assistants during visits. Each person using the video visitation system will need to fill out the “KCSO Attorney Remote Visitation Registration Form".
Members of the clergy may submit an application to visit members of their respective congregation while the Detainee is in custody. The following are requirements for Clergy visits.
- Clergy visits are intended for Pastors, Imams, Rabbis, Priests or other church leaders. Missionaries, chaplains, elders and other non-certified positions do not qualify for clergy visits.
- No person with a relative or close personal friend in the custody of the Kane County Sheriff is able to make clergy visits.
- No person with outstanding warrants is allowed to make clergy visits.
- A background check will be run on all applicants to ensure their identity and standing within the church organization as well as to check for active warrants.
If the above-noted requirements have been met and you desire to meet with a Detainee as a member of the clergy, then complete the "Visiting Clergy" application.
Visiting Clergy Application
When filling out the application you will need to attach both of the documents below.
- A copy of your Driver's license or state ID card
- Either a copy of a certificate of ordination or a letter from an official inside the church which states you are in good standing with the church and able to minister on their behalf
Clergy Visiting Rules
- Detainees may receive one (1) Clergy visit per week.
- The Clergy visit shall be in addition to the Detainees regular family visit.
- Clergy Visits are to be used solely for the purpose of spiritual counseling. Conducting any other business during the visit could result in a loss of privileges.
All rules and procedures on this page are subject to change without notice.
Please contact the facility for more information or clarification.
Other Professional Visits
Other agencies, such as those who provide mental health services, as well as child and family services, may also receive visiting privileges. Individuals from said agencies desiring to make professional visits must submit a letter of request to the Kane County Adult Justice Center Visiting Department. The letter may be submitted via fax or Email.